Prayer to St. Jude: Patron of Hopeless Cases

by Ryan Hart | Updated on February 24, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

In this post youโ€™ll learn a special prayer to St. Jude, Patron Saint of Hopeless Cases and Lost Causes.

In fact:

This novena prayer has been proven to work miracles for those that are in desperate need of help.

Read to learn the St. Jude prayer?

Letโ€™s get started!

Image of St. Jude Prayer

Prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus

Photo of Praying to St. Jude

O most holy apostle, Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honoureth and invoketh thee universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, and of things almost despaired of.

Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make use, I implore thee, of that particular privilege accorded to thee, to bring visible and speedy help where help was almost despaired of.

Come to mine assistance in this great need, that I may receive the consolation and succor of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly...

(insert your prayer request here)

...and that I may praise God with thee and all the elect throughout eternity.

I promise thee, O blessed Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favour, to always honour thee as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to thee.


St. Jude Prayer Request

Click here to post a prayer to St. Jude

The St. Jude Thaddeus prayer can be used to ask for assistance when you are in desperate need of help.

One of the most common causes for which St. Jude is invoked is in the healing of diseases, but he has also been known to aid those who lack employment or are suffering from financial difficulties.

He is the Patron Saint of desperate causes, lost causes, and lost articles. He is also a patron saint of desperate situations that can be turned around with the help of others, if not by oneself. In fact, his name in Greek means โ€œto be savedโ€ or โ€œto be delivered.โ€

Many people turn to Saint Jude for help when they have tried to solve a problem on their own but have failed. A few reasons people read the St. Jude prayer might include needing:

  • Financial help paying unexpected bills
  • Extra money to pay monthly rent or mortgage payments
  • Cash to pay large medical bills
  • Cures for chronic health problems or terminal illness
  • Miracles to fix urgent problems

St. Jude Novena Prayer (9 Days)

Novena means โ€œnineโ€ in Latin and is a sequence of prayers that are read once per day over nine consecutive days.

Novena prayers are special because they represent the nine days the 12 Apostles prayed together before the Pentecost (Acts 1:4-5). After nine days of prayer, the Apostles were โ€œfilled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utteranceโ€ (Acts 2:4).

This biblical event is why the St. Jude novena prayer must be read once per day for 9 consecutive days.

During this novena we ask for St. Jude to intercede or take action on our behalf because our problems are too big to be solved on our own.

O Holy St Jude! Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor for all who invoke thee, special patron in time of need; to thee I have recourse from the depth of my heart, and humbly beg thee, to whom God hath given such great power, to come to my assistance; help me now in my urgent need and grant my earnest petition. I will never forget thy graces and the favors thou dost obtain for me and I will do my utmost to spread devotion to thee. Amen.

Why Pray to St. Jude, Patron Saint of Hopeless Cases and Lost Causes?

St. Jude, also known as Judas Thaddaeus, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. Not to be confused with Judas Iscariot, Christโ€™s betrayer. Judas Thaddaeus is often referred to simply as Jude in the bible.

Due to the two apostles, Judas Thaddaeus and Judas Iscariot, having the same first name, it was believed that many Christians avoided praying for help from St. Jude because they did not want to call upon the wrong Judas by accident.

Many believed that since St. Jude was often overlooked in prayer, he became eager to help anyone that asked him to intercede. So much so that he would help with almost any lost cause or hopeless case in order to prove his devotion to Christ.

Thatโ€™s why he is the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes in the Roman Catholic Church.

According to the New Testament, St. Jude was a relative of Jesus, possibly his brother or cousin (Matthew 13:55-56). He was said to have been a carpenter (Mark 6:3).

He preached in Jerusalem and Samaria. He was eventually martyred in Persia by being sawed in two, after which he was buried by an unnamed woman and his body miraculously brought back together again.

The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates his feast day on October 28th.

What To Do After You Say the St. Jude Prayer

After saying a prayer to St. Jude you may be tempted to sit and wait, but that would be a big mistake.

God works miracles daily and he wants to help you, too. However, sometimes instead of doing the miracle work for us, God points us in the right direction and asks us to take action.

(After all, we were put on earth to glorify God in everything we do, not the other way around.)

One way we can demonstrate Godโ€™s character for others is to take responsibility for our problems, be humble, and ask for help when we need it.

So after you say the St. Jude prayer, here are a few things you can do to get help with your problems:

What To Do Next If You Are Facing Foreclosure

If you are unable to make your mortgage payments and are at risk of foreclosure, there may still be hope.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides a free list of approved foreclosure avoidance counselors nationwide. These counselors can offer information and assistance to help you avoid foreclosure.

After you contact a counselor, you should notify your lender that you are working to resolve your foreclosure situation. Studies have shown that homeowners who receive foreclosure counseling are much less likely to lose their homes and can receive substantial reductions in their monthly mortgage payments upon entering a loan modification program.

Click here to find a foreclosure avoidance counselor near you

What To Do Next If You Have Past Due Bills

In the event you have past due bills stacking up, but feel hopeless and overwhelmed, help is available.

Consumer Credit Counseling agencies are non-profit organizations that provide financial assistance to those in need. They can help you come up with a plan to pay down debt, increase savings and improve your financial situation.

Some of the most common solutions these agencies provide include debt management plans, debt settlement and debt negotiation.

Click here to book a private coaching session

What To Do Next If You Have Serious Health Problems

If you have serious health problems and are unsure where to turn, there are many options available to low income individuals and those without health insurance.

Consider visiting a health center backed by the Health Resources and Services Administration. These centers are community-based and offer primary and preventative care to patients regardless of their ability to pay.

Click here to find a community health care center near you

Now It's Your Turn

And now Iโ€™d like to hear from you.

What does the Saint Jude prayer mean to you?

How has St. Jude, Patron Saint of Hopeless Cases touched your life?

Please let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a licensed insurance agent, writer, and former home designer. He is on a mission to help couples protect their homes in retirement with life insurance and annuities.

Want to connect with Ryan? Click here to get his FREE retirement planning newsletter

[Comments are closed]
St Jude along with st Anthony have answered severe of my prayers. Both, simple and difficult. I have faith that They will come to my assistance if it is for our greater lord. Thanks ahead of time I love you!
Ryan Hart
Remain faithful! Your prayers have been heard.
Marybeth Bennett
Saint Jude St Anthony. I have prayed many time for help for my son Peter. To you both As of now Peter needs his job back as a coach. Peter has faith and has waited a long time for his mew job. Please He believes in God and his will will be answered in God's time. Time is running out. Please pray and ask Mary mother of Jesus to please ask for a miracle for Peter. He is such a good man with lots of faith. We as a family will never stop praying ๐Ÿ™
Rita Naidoo
Lord Holy Saint Jude I thank thee for blessing Tanya with a better job.On Wednesday she was given a redundancy letter but after praying to Saint Jude Tanya was blessed on Friday with a new job.Thank You AMEN
Ryan Hart
What a blessing! Thank you for sharing.
Chuck Kass
I am trusting saint jude with desperate financial situation I know he will intervene and grant me what I need. Amen
Ryan Hart
Praying for you!
James N Carter Jr
I believe In Saint Jude prayer because he has answered my prayers before. I truly believe in st Jude wife is ln the hospital a blood cot on brain i need help in prayer Sant Jude is my only hope i need prayers
Ryan Hart
I will be praying for your wife to have a quick recovery!
St Jude have unswer my prayers in the way I didn't expected. I prayed to St Jude to assist us financially to build our house.My husband got retrenched and we got money to our house.Others who was left behind at work were short paid and straggling to get their moneys.He was blessed to be first group out of the company. Thanks to St Jude.
Ryan Hart
St. Jude thank you for being of assistance in this great need. Amen.
St. Jude answered my prayer and granted me an interview, I am still awaiting the status, however seeing the email for the interview just made me realize the power of devotion, St. Jude please let be hired for that job immediately, I shall always be grateful and devoted to you.
Ryan Hart
St. Jude please come to the assistance of Veronica in finding employment.
I believe my prayers to st Jude will be answered, I've been looking for a job for a while now I'm turning to st Jude and hope for an answer
Ryan Hart
St. Jude please come to the assistance of Violet in finding employment.
Saint Jude, thank you. I have been praying for your intercession to Jesus that past few days, and a miracle happened. My blood test showed that I donโ€™t have diabetes. I was so afraid that it would. I have been trying to eat healthier, and exercising for the past year. I am so thankful that my prayer has been answered.
Ryan Hart
Thank you for sharing this testimony! God bless.
I pray to St Jude for good results on my husbands CT scan. He was just diagnosed with Espohogeal Cancer which took his dads life at a very young age 30 years ago. I have always been of faith but it always intensifies when I am in distress. I felt better after saying a prayer and asking all my friends and family to do the same. So again St Jude please let the results find no other cancer. And I pray for you to intercede for all who are going through terminal illness of either them selves or their loved ones. Amen
Ryan Hart
I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. God bless.
stephanie beltzmajchrzak
Thank you
Ryan Hart
You're welcome ๐Ÿ™
Ravi R
St Jude, i pray to you for the god health of my sister Mamta R who is suffering with cancer in her lungs and pelvis region. Please do your magic of healing her and give her the strength to go through the chemo sessions. She is young and has long life ahead of us, please heal her.
Ryan Hart
I will keep your sister, Manta, in my prayers. May she receive a full recovery.
Melissa R
Thank you St Jude for always coming thru for me๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
Ryan Hart
catherine mcpherson13
my prayer hasn't been answered yet,but I will keep praying
Ryan Hart
Remain faithful! Your prayers have been heard. ๐Ÿ™
Joselita Viado
Thank you for this powerful novena of St Jude Thaddeus. Problems maybe difficult but through faith and humility God is always merciful and gracious. God bless
Ryan Hart
Yes, God is good! ๐Ÿ™
St Jude, you have always been there for me. Thank you for favours received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified. Thanks to Our Lady and St Anthony and may they continue to help all those who ask for help.
Ryan Hart
Amen ๐Ÿ™
Daniel S
I pray to St Jude almost everyday and have done so for almost 6 months after a truly disparate prayer was answered. I have complete confidence in this and whenever I have a problem, I try to solve it myself but know I always have this prayer. Its amazing. I tell everyone about it, family and friends included. I started praying when I saw a pamphlet near a statue of St Jude at church. This was important because St Jude also wants you to tell others about his powerful prayer. I needed to change careers and after I prayed before a big interview, my prayers were answered. I then prayed during a difficult time with a loved one and it also helped. I've prayed and thanked St Jude many times. I humbly ask and work hard to make the prayers come true. And they always do.
Ryan Hart
St. Jude thank you for being of assistance in this great need. Amen.
I have been unemployed for 3 years. Worked as a volunteer, started up a business that failed miserably last in 2018. It didn't even last 5 months. Now I am back to volunteering. I feel like despairing. I hope Saint Jude my friend considers me. Please. Unemployment is so tempting and draining on evry frontier of life. I want to praise God genuinely.
Ryan Hart
St. Jude please come to the assistance of Peter in finding employment.
Thank you st Jude for helping me, Thank you and Love You
Ryan Hart
I want to propagate St. Jude's prayer. St. Jude is invoked in despair and is the patron saint of desperate cases. He has never failed me, and words cannot articulate my gratitude for his incessant support. Thank you, Saint Jude, for your immediate assistance and intercession. I am in complete awe over your rapid response and aid, and I am humbled by your exactness and timeliness to meet my needs. Thank you for your unceasing and unbroken intercession- never have you failed me, and through taxing times you continue to amaze me. The Lord God will surely hear your prayers through the powerful intercession of our glorious Apostle, Saint Jude Thaddaeus, patron of the desperate cases. Thank you for answering my prayers, God. Thank you for interceding on my behalf, Saint Jude. I will encourage devotion to you always.
Ryan Hart
Amen ๐Ÿ™
The article is inspiring. I believe in miracles and I know that mine is on the way as I pray to St Jude.
Ryan Hart
Yes, miracles happen every day!
Christiana Bayor
St Jude prayers really help me n my family alot God help us to know God more
JB Foy
Please St Jude answer my prayer to let Michael contact me and because of his Alzheimer's let him remember that he wants us to be together and that we love each other!
Margaret Rrodrigues
I am praying to st.jude and I believe that he will pray to Jesus for me in my difficult and impossible problem.Itrust in you saint Jude.
st jude has answered my prayers before i am so desperate now, i require urgent assistance, i will continue to pray to st jude
Ryan Hart
St. Jude please intercede and come to the assistance of Grace. God bless.
t Jude along with st Anthony have answered severe of my prayers. Both, simple and difficult. I have faith that They will come to my assistance if it is for our greater lord. I am trusting Saint Jude with a special intention for my son.Please fulfill this need and St. Jude please let him be hired for that job immediately. I shall always be grateful and devoted to you. Praying for the health, wellbeing and safety of my family. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified.Thank you for answering my prayers, God. Thank you for interceding on my behalf, Saint Jude. I will encourage devotion to you always.Thanks
Thank you St. Jude for intercessing on our behalf and for helping us in our most troubled times.
St Jude, you have always been there for me. Thank you for favors received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified. Thanks to Our Lady and St Anthony and may they continue to help all those who ask for help.Lord Holy Saint Jude I thank thee for blessings.Please come to my assistance if it is for our greater lord. I am praying for a special intention.I shall always be grateful and devoted to you.
Iโ€™m praying St. Jude will help me feel better. I have been Ill on and off for about 4 months. Do not know whatโ€™s wrong with me. Please, St. Jude let the doctors figure it out. I thank you in advance.
Thank you St.Jude. I have seen tremendous progress in my prayer request and I know it is due to your intervention.
Thanks to St Jude for manifesting my prayers.
St. Jude intercede to my house as I called upon him for my petition . Now Iโ€™m calling upon him for help other mom in ICU and her surgery recovery ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ. Thank you
ST jude Please help me I need my daughter and her baby to come and stay at my house, I need my daughter to lieve her babys dad, to realize her baby dad is no good for her that he doent love her.
Thank you for many prayers answered. I am continuing to pray for protection for my family and a cure of the Coronavirus.
Olivia Asigire
I learnt this prayer from my sister Roberta, she told me St. Jude has savad her out of troubles several times. And so am here trusting that St. Jude, the saint of the impossible will help me pass my exams which I have written.Thank you
Anthony Sullivan
I have prayed this prayer several times over the years. Every single time, it has brought me help. Trust in St. Jude's awesome power to intercede with God for you no matter how bleak things are looking. Thank you, Jude!
St Jude has answered my prayers and i have deep rooted faith in him
St Jude has never let me down he is always with me and my family . I so grateful for all his blessings my husband was just told that he is in full remission and all the other tests are good . I still need his help for my nephew who is not working and going through a severe depression .I know St Jude is going to come to his help . Thank you St Jude my patron and my friend .
Saint Jude has blessed me with my husband, my son and my job. He is very powerful.
St. Jude, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and Blessed Mary Ever Virgin helped my daughter's double vision get better after surgery. Thank you for your blessings. I will now pray for good kidney health for me as it is getting very serious. Thank you St. Jude, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Blessed Virgin Mary.
I thank St Jude for answering my prayer which I prayed for my brother-in-law, who was in jail for an unjust cause the prosecutor accepted to withdraw the case. I thank you, Lord
simon mwangi
I once lost job and after st.jude prayer I got the job,but now am playfully much praying to cease taking bear as well as cigarettes, also burdened with debt I ask for prayer
Dale King
All prayers to St. Jude are as a personal nature. I am praying for a young relative 12 year old Dakota. He was diagnosed With an inoperable brain tumor that is fast growing and life expectancy is 1 year. Iโ€™m praying that a miracle will find that the tumor disappears and he will be able to live and grow old naturally. Though I have many difficulties myself that I could use a miracle I truly wish it for Dakota instead.
Thank you St Jude for your immediate response and interceding on my behalf and my husband Jimmy in the miraculous breakthrough our financial situation. All our requests, goals, needs and desires are met instantaneously. I am in complete awe of your rapid response. Thank you for answering our prayers, God. Thank you for interceding on my behalf St Jude. I will encourage devotion to you always. Amen
St. Jude, please intercede for healing and reconciliation in my broken family, especially between Pete and me. That the Lord will heal his depression, renew his heart/mind, and guide him back home to me.
Hermes de Hermanos dei quod Logos Animum
The pore and blessed martyr Was sawn in half I have always been fond of the boot of Jude... I am under the opinion that The author of Hebrews is speaking about faith, and, St. Judas'Thaddeus Is the patron o the those who choose faith over all other options... We walk by faith, Quod Logos dei veritas..
Lizenta Fernandes
I was so much hopeless, but after praying to St. Jude i got a new job which was unexpected. thank you st.jude.
Monika lupp
My so is an addict and needs help we all connected in business . I pray to Saint Jude to help my son find his way and to please let our business grow Amen
Judith Gleaton
I am named after St. Jude. I have asked for so many things over the years and have been given a positive response. Some were rather large favors; some were small. Last night I asked for a favor to help my adult daughter that involved a financial problem. It was solved this morning. He gets the credit as my benefactor.
Carmina Rasal
I need a help for my daughter's education I have two daughters Hopefully in the prayer must help me and Ms get financial help from someone
I am praying to St. Jude as I am miserable and depressed after my hard drive failed and I lost precious family pictures and videos from the last 15 years. I'm sending it to another company and pray they can retrieve all my precious, priceless memories. Please help me St Jude. In the Lord's name. Amen.
This is the first time for me to ask the help of St. Jude. I am asking for the approval of the petition of my son for his wife and children from immigration Canada. They are now in the Philippines and it has been a while that they haven't heard any feedback from the immigration office. News is spreading that the Afghanistan refugees are given priority putting the other petitions on hold. I fervently pray to St. Jude that my son and his family will be able to join us in Canada soon. I miss my son and it has been 4 years now that he has been away from us.
Thank you st jude for my sons health. .
St Jude-
Thank you St. Jude for hearing my prayers, and answering them. Thank you for my financial worries being resolved as well as a new search for a position in employment. Thank you thank you thank you! I promise to show my devotion to you always. I thank you for calling my anxiety and worries and bringing peace, comfort, and answered. In gods holy name and will thank you for your intercession St. Jude!
I am praying to St. Jude to deliver me from major depression which I have suffered with for over 2 years. I have faith he will deliver from this disease. Thank you, St Jude.
I am praying to St. Jude because he is the patron Saint of hopeless cases. I am losing hope in my bout with severe depression for over 2 years. I believe he will help me overcome this disease so I can enjoy this beautiful world God has given mankind. Amen. Thank you St Jude.
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