Are Divorce Records Public in the USA?

by Ryan Hart | Updated on April 10, 2024 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Have you ever wondered, “Are divorce records public in the USA?” Are you concerned about your privacy during the divorce process? Understanding the ins and outs of divorce records and public access can be crucial in ensuring your privacy.

In this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey that explores the different types of divorce records, their public access, and what you can do to protect your sensitive information.

From federal and state laws to the process of sealing or redacting records, we’ll explore the various aspects of divorce records and their availability. Let’s begin by understanding what divorce records entail and the different types of records that exist.

Key Takeaways

  • Divorce records are documents related to a couple’s legal separation, with varying public access depending on state regulations.
  • Federal and state laws provide both public access to court records while also offering measures like sealing or redacting certain information for the protection of those involved.
  • Alternative options like mediation and collaborative divorce can protect your privacy during the divorce process.

What are Divorce Records?

Divorce records encompass a variety of divorce documents related to a couple’s legal separation, including the divorce certificate, decree, and court records. These records contain different information about the divorce, ranging from basic details such as the names of the involved parties to more sensitive information like financial documents and asset evaluations. Generally, divorce records are public in the USA, but access to specific records may vary depending on state regulations and the type of record.

For a comprehensive understanding of divorce records, the following sections will delve into the specific types of records: divorce certificates, divorce decrees, and divorce court records.

Divorce Certificate

A divorce certificate is a legal court document that serves as evidence of a divorce and can only be requested by the people involved. To obtain a divorce certificate, you’ll typically need information such as the names of the involved parties, the case number, and the court that handled the divorce. A divorce certificate comes in handy if you need to prove your name or relationship status quickly, like if you need to change your name or get remarried after court proceedings.

Keep in mind that divorce certificates differ from divorce decrees, which lay out the terms of a couple’s legal separation. The next section gives a detailed explanation of divorce decrees.

Divorce Decree

A divorce decree is an official document from the court that sets out the terms of a couple’s legal split. Generally, only the people involved in the divorce or their attorneys can request a divorce decree. A divorce decree is crucial for both partners and any children involved to continue living their lives. Therefore, it’s smart to obtain a copy of your own for reference. If your ex-spouse isn’t following the terms, you may have to go back to court to ensure they adhere to the agreement.

To obtain a divorce decree, you generally need to file a request with the court, show your identification, and pay any applicable fees.

Having explored divorce certificates and decrees, the discussion now shifts to divorce court records, court documents, divorce papers, and obtaining a divorce record.

Divorce Court Records

Divorce court records contain all information and documents generated during divorce proceedings and are generally publicly available. These records usually include:

  • The names of the involved parties
  • The date and place of the divorce
  • Details about the proceedings, such as court decisions
  • Information about child custody, alimony, property division, and other related matters

The level of detail in divorce court records may be affected by:

  • Privacy concerns of those involved
  • The complexity of the divorce
  • The presence of sensitive information
  • The jurisdiction’s laws regarding court records disclosure

Having examined the different types of divorce records, the focus now moves to public record access for divorce records public.

Public Access to Divorce Records

Divorce records are generally public due to federal and state laws. However, as we’ve mentioned earlier, access to specific records may vary depending on state regulations and the type of record. While most courts provide copies of records only to the people involved in the case and their lawyers, individuals without a direct connection to the case might be allowed to view certain documents but not obtain copies.

For a clearer understanding of public access to divorce records, the following section investigates how federal and state laws regulate this access and the variations that exist across different states.

Federal and State Laws

Court records are generally available to the public as per Federal and state laws. This includes divorce records. The Case Management/Electronic Case Files system, public access to the entire hearing process, and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) are examples of federal regulations that allow access to court records. However, state laws vary when it comes to public access to divorce records. Generally, divorce records are public, but most states limit access due to personal information or privacy concerns. Some states have no restrictions, allowing anyone to obtain a copy.

Federal and state laws also take measures to ensure individuals involved in divorce proceedings maintain their privacy. The Privacy Act prevents agencies from disclosing records without the individual’s consent, and personal information held by the federal government is secured under the Privacy Act. Note that checking the laws of each state is a necessary step to comprehend the specific public access you have.

State Variations

Access to divorce records may be limited in some states due to sensitive information or privacy concerns. For example, in Oregon, access to divorce certificates is limited for 50 years post-divorce, according to Oregon Administrative Rules. In Maryland, individuals can request the court to limit public access to a case file, but certain criteria must be met and proven to the court.

While no states completely block people from viewing divorce records, the rules surrounding accessing divorce records can vary depending on the state. One must consult the laws of the particular state of interest to understand its specific regulations regarding public access to divorce records.

Sealing or Redacting Divorce Records

In some cases, courts may seal or redact certain information from divorce records for various reasons, such as protecting children or victims of domestic violence. Having divorce records sealed keeps the entire record hidden from public view while redacting involves hiding specific sensitive information in publicly available documents.

Understanding the reasons for sealing or redacting divorce records and the process of requesting to seal divorce records can help you protect your privacy during the divorce process.

Reasons for Sealing or Redacting

Courts may seal or redact divorce records for several reasons, including:

  • Protecting the privacy and well-being of children involved in the divorce
  • Keeping sensitive information confidential
  • Preventing potential harm or embarrassment
  • Following court rules and procedures for sealing or redacting sensitive information.

In some cases, false allegations made during divorce proceedings could harm someone’s reputation or career. In these instances, a lawyer can request the court to seal the records to protect their client’s privacy.

Requesting Sealed or Redacted Records

To request sealed or redacted records, one spouse must provide specific reasons why privacy concerns outweigh public access to the records. A judge may decide to seal or redact records if they believe there is a convincing reason for the information to remain private or if someone has petitioned the court and made a solid argument.

Securing a court order to access sealed or redacted divorce records necessitates filing a motion before a judge, justifying the need for access, and proving a legitimate interest. If the judge sanctions it, they will issue a court order specifying the extent of access permissible.

Obtaining Copies of Divorce Records

Copies of divorce records can be obtained through the Vital Statistics Office or county court records, usually for a small fee. The process for obtaining these records may vary depending on the type of record and the state where the divorce took place.

The subsequent two sections will elaborate on how to secure copies of divorce records via the Vital Statistics Office and county court records.

Vital Statistics Office

The Vital Statistics Office can provide divorce certificates and may require specific information about the divorce to process the request. To obtain a divorce certificate, you’ll need to contact the state vital records office where the divorce took place. They will inform you of the cost, required documents, and how to obtain a copy online, by mail, or in person.

The information the Vital Statistics Office needs to process the divorce may vary depending on the state. Generally, they will need:

  • The names of the individuals involved
  • The date of the divorce
  • The place it was granted
  • Any other related details

County Court Records

County court records can be accessed online or in-person to obtain divorce decrees and other court records related to the divorce. Many county courts have websites where you can search for case numbers and locations for divorce records, and some courts offer electronic access to court records.

To obtain county court divorce records in person, you need to:

  1. Contact the clerk of the county or city where the divorce took place.
  2. They will provide you with information on how to order a copy, the cost, and the required paperwork.
  3. Keep in mind that the specific process for obtaining divorce records may vary depending on the state and the county court where the divorce was filed.

Alternative Options for Privacy

If you’re concerned about your privacy during the divorce process, you can consider alternative options such as mediation or collaborative divorce. These methods allow you and your spouse to settle your divorce outside of court, ensuring the details of your divorce aren’t available to the public.

The following sections will delve into mediation and collaborative divorce in further detail, highlighting how these methods can safeguard your privacy during the divorce process.


Mediation is a confidential process where a neutral third party helps you and your spouse reach an agreement on divorce-related issues, keeping the details private.

A typical divorce mediation can take anywhere from 2 to 8 hours, usually spread out over 2 to 4 sessions. The mediator’s role is to facilitate communication and negotiation between you and your spouse, ultimately helping you reach a mutually agreeable settlement without going to court.

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce involves both spouses and their attorneys working together to resolve divorce issues privately, without going to court. In a collaborative divorce, you and your spouse sign an agreement to work together, share information, and hold a series of meetings with your legal teams to negotiate and sort out the details of your divorce.

By choosing collaborative divorce, you can maintain more control over the process and protect your privacy, as all financial documents and proceedings remain confidential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find divorce records for free in the USA?

If you know the county and state of the divorce, you can make a request for the records from the Clerk of Court office either in person or over the phone. Some counties also have an online service to get the records.

How do I look up divorce records in Illinois?

If you’re looking up divorce records in Illinois, you’ll need to request them through the Illinois Department of Public Health or the circuit court in the county where the divorce was granted. There’s no online access, so you’ll need to make a physical request.

Are divorce records private in Texas?

Divorce records in Texas are generally public, although they can be sealed by court order if there is a substantial or specific reason to do so. They are usually maintained by the district or county clerk and can also be found on third-party websites.

Can you view divorce records online in Florida?

Unfortunately, while most divorce records in Florida are available to the public and can be accessed both in-person or online, there are some exceptions where the records may be kept private.

Are divorce records available to the public?

Divorce records are generally available to the public in the US, although some restrictions may apply depending on state regulations and the type of record.


In conclusion, divorce records are generally public in the United States, but access to specific records may vary by state and the type of record. Understanding the different types of divorce records and the laws governing their public access can help you make informed decisions about your privacy during the divorce process. If you’re concerned about maintaining your privacy, alternative options such as mediation and collaborative divorce can help you settle your divorce outside of court, ensuring the details remain private.

By being aware of your rights and the options available to you, you can navigate the complexities of public access to divorce records and protect your sensitive information during the divorce process.

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About the Author:
Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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